Sunday, November 30, 2008

We Love Snow!!!

We are so so happy here in Iowa. It started snowing yesterday and hasn't really stopped today. Of course, Mom said they said a dusting but you can see from the pictures, it's pretty darn cool.  We hope you enjoy the snow pictures and the video of Thor doing his happy Dance(Snow Zoomies).    Thor and Marco Polo 

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Snow in Iowa today, so let's play in Bed

So,  We are pretty sure that Marco Polo and MrSippi have an unusual relationship. We aren't sure what it means but maybe you can figure it out? 

Let us know what you think is going on with these two? 

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Busy weekend for the Iowa Crew

The Kitty-Kats from Iowa were bonding this morning. Normally they really don't stay this close. Carolina was being adorable and MrSippi was trying to ignore her! 

I think could be a huzzy shot from Carolina?  
I think MrSippi was giving Mama the evil eye? 
Carolina has a very long tongue! 
Kitty-Kat Circus
MrSippi looking very sad, we think he misses Huffle a lot!
Is he planning how to get to her house? 
On Friday, Thor and Marco Polo got to go for a long walk at Saylorville, still closed from the flooding in June but we went around the barricade to get into the park!  No one caught us!. 

Playing King of the Rock Pile 
I'm not sure who won - they both look cute up there! 

Here's the video of Thor getting his Rally Advanced title this weekend !  

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Thor got his Advanced Rally and more

Well, it's official, see my Mom raising her hand, On Friday I got my 3rd leg?? and a new title 'Advanced Rally'.  I think I  already have 4 legs but she said I needed 3 legs to get this new title. 

Check out my new title ribbon around my neck!  I am so beautiful ! 
And today, I got my first Excellent Rally Leg and FIRST Place!  I beat all of these other dogs with a 99 out of 100.  I got a cheeseburger on the way home!!! 
Here's My Mom showing off my Blue ribbon!  Do you notice me not looking at the camera! 
I forgot to tell you - I had to do an Honor Sit Stay while the next dog ran the course and I STAYED!  Mom is so so happy with my stay!!! 
Poor Marco Polo had to stay outside in the car all day!  He ate his crate mat!! Silly boy! 

Monday, November 17, 2008

Home from the show in Lincoln Nebraska

Cute Girls Everywhere! This is Nitra, she is visting from Canada. I think she likes me!!!
Mom and Me - I thought I looked beautiful but the judge didn't know it!
Sitting on my table, checking out all of the cool fur-girls!
Resting after a long day of showing and being beautiful.
Mom let us play on the spare bed in the motel.
Thor camping out in his new camping crate.
Here I am in my camping crate. I didn't even eat the blanket, YET!!!

We have a video of Thor doing Advanced Rally, He got 3rd place and he wasn't even on a leash!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

An Award from MrSippi Girlfriend, Huffle

Our Best friend Ever, Huffle gave us this award, we are so so honored!  Thanks Huffle!

MrSippi, Mama, and Carolina

What we saw on the bike trail this morning

Finally Mom took us for a long walk in the woods this morning and we found all sorts of cool things. First, we found this sock Monster right in the middle of the trail. 
Then we found mittens over there, you can't see them, we are in front of them.
Marco was so so silly playing with the mittens. 
He was trying to kill them we think? 
Then we found these yellow balls, but we weren't impressed! 
Thor is practicing obedience, we are going to a dog show in Lincoln, Nebr this weekend.
Look at all of them. Mom says they keep ants out of the house? 
Then we saw a buck and a doe making baby deers. They ran away before Mom could get the camera out of her pocket!  
See the Goats!  We really sent mom flying because they started running away from us. 
And of course, we started chasing them, it was so so fun!  
DO YOU SEE WHERE THEY WENT?  Why is Mom yelling at us to quit dragging her? 
This is a cool hiding spot, we always check to see if anyone is home, Not Today.
Well, That's all for today. It's time for our Nap now!  Thor and Marco Polo 

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

What to do on a Rainy Rainy Day in Iowa

It's been raining and raining so here I am being a good boy, chewing on my rawhide, minding my own business. 
Then, the little monster got up and tried to steal my rawhide away from me!  
MrSippi spent the evening sleeping in Mom's arm.
He just makes Mom pet him and he won't stop purring. What a silly little boy!
Look who stole Mom's chair when she left the room for a minute. Poor MrSippi got kicked out of the chair, see him sitting on the floor staring at Marco Polo.
I just went upstairs to bed.  THOR