My Dear Sweet Mama - Summer 1998 - May 27, 2011
I knew things weren't quite right with you but I didn't expect to lose you so quickly. Mama was a feral cat when my husband and I started feeding her back in 1998 outside of our little store. When I realized you were feeding kittens I convinced John that you must be saved and he spent hours trying to capture the 5 little kittens. We found them homes and you became our store Ambassador, everyone loved you but I hated that you continued to roam especially on that busy street so you came home and never really liked Carolina or MrSippi. After they moved on to the Rainbow Bridge you thought you were a puppy dog, following me around the house, keeping the boys in line and putting up with them, especially Marco Polo dragging you around the house by the neck. But the Bedroom was your domain and if you were sleeping with me, the boys weren't allowed up there. I never figured out how you could keep them off the bed but they were afraid of you! Oh, I will miss your 5am wakeup telling me it was time to feed you. God Speed my Dear, Mama!