Finally Mom took us for a long walk in the woods this morning and we found all sorts of cool things. First, we found this sock Monster right in the middle of the trail.

Then we found mittens over there, you can't see them, we are in front of them.

Marco was so so silly playing with the mittens.

He was trying to kill them we think?

Then we found these yellow balls, but we weren't impressed!

Thor is practicing obedience, we are going to a dog show in Lincoln, Nebr this weekend.

Look at all of them. Mom says they keep ants out of the house?

Then we saw a buck and a doe making baby deers. They ran away before Mom could get the camera out of her pocket!

See the Goats! We really sent mom flying because they started running away from us.

And of course, we started chasing them, it was so so fun!

DO YOU SEE WHERE THEY WENT? Why is Mom yelling at us to quit dragging her?

This is a cool hiding spot, we always check to see if anyone is home, Not Today.

Well, That's all for today. It's time for our Nap now! Thor and Marco Polo