Well, today was a fun day because Mom took the day off and I got to visit the old folks at a retirement center but first we had a 4 mile walk to make me tired(didn't work, did it, MOM). I also chased a rabbit into the bush and look at the stickies on me!!!

Marco Polo got stickies on him but he tried to rub them off on the grass, he's so silly.

Here's some of the other dogs that got to come with me, We had Golden Retrievers, Flat-coat Retriever, Boxers, a Great Dane, Papillion, an Airedale and of course, Me, the beautiful Siberian Husky. Mom got all of the stickies off of me!!

This Man was in love with me and petted me a lot.

Kisses for my dear sweet little lady.

They loved me when I gave them kisses on the lip and one lady had cookies for me.

Here's another sweet lady that thought I was the most beautiful boy!

Cookies, Cookies - Mom didn't think it was nice when I jumped up and grabbed my bag of frosted cookies off of this table!!!