Sunday, December 30, 2007

More Pictures of the Boys

I love to take pictures of my two Siberian Huskies - Today we went to Saylorville for a 4 mile drag Mom around in the snow. It was pretty darn nice - Almost 30 degrees and with the park closed to traffic, I love to let the kids play. Here's one of us messing around in the snow.

I have lots more pictures on the Picasa : check out pictures and videos of the kids and my friends dogs also. Enjoy.

Thor and Marco's MOM


D'Azul Siberian said...

Great pictures dudes, we love that you made your mom sit in the snow.

The D'Azul Siberians

D'Azul Siberian said...

Harrr Marco Polo and Thor. I have given you an award. See my blog, copy it and then pass it on.

Yer pal, Cap'n Maverick the Pirate

blogging in disquise from D'Azul siberians